Our attitude has the greatest impact on our results

Joe Burns
3 min readJun 30, 2021

We have to know where we are right now before we can determine where we go next.

That means understanding our numbers and the story they tell us, understanding our relationship with money (and with ourselves and others), and understanding our attitudes — the way we show up in the world.

Something interesting happens though when people hear me say know where you’re at.

People tend to look at prior actions and results and 1) immediately jump to shame and judgment because they didn’t achieve what they had set out to do and 2) double down on the hustle and grind thinking that if they change some of their actions, they’ll get the results they want next time.

This isn’t entirely untrue. While taking different actions can influence our outcomes and results, what it won’t do is breakdown the barriers keeping us from getting what we want.

See, action is not usually where the problem is. Action only masks the problem.

When we keep doing things without gaining much traction, it’s like being on a treadmill. We are moving but we aren’t going anywhere.

It’s our attitude, the way we think and believe, often reflected in our behavior, that has the greatest impact on our end results.

And not just our attitude about money, but about our relationships and about ourselves. They are all connected to the decisions we make and the actions we take to make the money we desire.

Here’s the 3–2–1 on our attitudes.


  1. The way we present ourselves and show up in the world is what allows prosperity, wealth, and abundance to flow into our lives. Until we can understand how our emotions and feelings impact our thoughts and actions, we won’t make as much money as we could.
  2. When we don’t achieve the results we want, we often get hyper-focused on only changing our actions, but our actions aren’t where the problems start. It’s our attitudes. Change our attitude and we change our results.
  3. We are missing the bigger picture when we are focused on making more money. It’s not about the money. It’s about the impact we can create with the money we make.


  1. Journal or meditate on where you feel you’re at in your relationship to money, family, and self. What is your attitude towards each of these relationships?
  2. Re-download the 10 Attitudes of Money and retake the assessment to determine where you’re at today. The result you got the first time, may not be the result you get this time. Focus on the attitude that needs the most improvement right now.


  1. What attitude (a way of thinking or feeling) do I have towards money that is no longer serving me?

Join me over in the NextGen Millionaires Facebook group after you download the 10 Attitudes of Money. I’m Live every week with money mastery tips and insights to help you make the money you want so you can create the impact you desire.



Joe Burns

Money Master | Quieting your visceral reactions to money so you exert more power in decision making, control in your pocket book, and leadership in your field.